I enjoy the hearty breakfast. The hotel is very close to the ruins of ancient Corinth. In the morning, you will be aroused by the church bells. At night fall, You can walk through the town and enjoy you dinner in the sunset of the Appolo temple. The greatest thing is the big parking just behind the reception buliding. 这家民宿就在科林斯古城遗迹附近,步行过去3分钟,非常方便,招待处后面有个大停车场,建议买他们家的早餐,很丰盛。傍晚可以在遗迹的旁边找一家饭店吃饭,可以一边享用美食一边欣赏阿波罗神殿遗迹和远处的科林斯卫城,非常不错。